
Mikhaylovskiy N., 2023. Long Story Generation Challenge. In Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference: Generation Challenges, pages 10–16, Prague, Czechia. Association for Computational Linguistics.

We propose a shared task of human-like long story generation, LSG Challenge, that asks models to output a consistent human-like long story (a Harry Potter generic audience fanfic in English), given a prompt of about 1K tokens. We suggest a novel statistical metric of the text structuredness, GloVe Autocorrelations Power/ Exponential Law Mean Absolute Percentage Error Ratio (GAPELMAPER) and the use of previously-known UNION metric and a human evaluation protocol. We hope that LSG can open new avenues for researchers to investigate sampling approaches, prompting strategies, autoregressive and non-autoregressive text generation architectures and break the barrier to generate consistent long (40K+ word) texts. ...

Borisov E., Mikhaylovskiy N., 2023. Team NTR @ AutoMin 2023: Dolly LLM Improves Minuting Performance, Semantic Segmentation Doesn’t. In Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference: Generation Challenges, pages 132–137, Prague, Czechia. Association for Computational Linguistics.

This paper documents the approach of Team NTR for the Second Shared Task on Automatic Minuting (AutoMin) at INLG 2023. The goal of this work is to develop a module for automatic generation of meeting minutes based on a meeting transcript text produced by an Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) system (Task A). We consider minuting as a supervised machine learning task on pairs of texts: the transcript of the meeting and its minutes. We use a two-staged minuting pipeline that consists of segmentation and summarization. We experiment with semantic segmentation and multi-language approaches and Large Language Model Dolly, and achieve Rouge1-F of 0.2455 and BERT-Score of 0.8063 on the English part of ELITR test set and Rouge1-F of 0.2430 and BERT-Score of 0.8332 on the EuroParl dev set with the submitted Naive Segmentation + Dolly7b pipeline. ...

Borisov E., Mikhaylovskiy N., 2023. Automated Minuting on DumSum Dataset. In Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2023”, Moscow.

Meeting minutes are short texts summarizing the most important outcomes of a meeting. The goal of this work is to develop a module for automatic generation of meeting minutes based on a meeting transcript text produced by an Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) system. We consider minuting as a supervised machine learning task on pairs of texts: the transcript of the meeting and its minutes. No Russian minuting dataset was previously available. To fill this gap we present DumSum - a dataset of meetings transcripts of the Russian State Duma and City Dumas, complete with minutes. We use a two-staged minuting pipeline, and introduce semantic segmentation that improves ROUGE and BERTScore metrics of minutes on City Dumas meetings by 1%-10% compared to naive segmentation. ...

Mikhaylovskiy N., Churilov I., 2023. Autocorrelations Decay in Texts and Applicability Limits of Language Models. In Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2023”, Moscow.

We show that the laws of autocorrelations decay in texts are closely related to applicability limits of language models. Using distributional semantics we empirically demonstrate that autocorrelations of words in texts decay according to a power law. We show that distributional semantics provides coherent autocorrelations decay exponents for texts translated to multiple languages. The autocorrelations decay in generated texts is quantitatively and often qualitatively different from the literary texts. We conclude that language models exhibiting Markov behavior, including large autoregressive language models, may have limitations when applied to long texts, whether analysis or generation. ...

Bolshakov V., Kolobov R., Borisov E., Mikhaylovskiy N., Mukhtarova G., 2023. Scaled Down Lean BERT-like Language Models for Anaphora Resolution and Beyond. In Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2023”, Moscow.

We study performance of BERT-like distributive semantic language models on anaphora resolution and related tasks with the purpose of selecting a model for on-device inference. We have found that lean (narrow and deep) language models provide the best balance of speed and quality for word-level tasks, and opensource1 RuLUKE-tiny and RuLUKE-slim models we have trained. Both are significantly (over 27%) faster than models with comparable accuracy. We hypothesise that the model depth may play a critical role for performance as, according to recent findings each layer behaves as a gradient descent step in autoregressive setting. ...

Bolshakov V., Mikhaylovskiy N., 2023. Pseudo-Labelling for Autoregressive Structured Prediction in Coreference Resolution. In Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies: Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2023”, Moscow.

Coreference resolution is an important task in natural language processing, since it can be applied to such vital tasks as information retrieval, text summarization, question answering, sentiment analysis and machine translation. In this paper, we present a study on the effectiveness of several approaches to coreference resolution, focusing on the RuCoCo dataset as well as results of participation in the Dialogue Evaluation 2023. We explore ways to increase the dataset size by using pseudo-labelling and data translated from another language. Using such technics we managed to triple the size of dataset, make it more diverse and improve performance of autoregressive structured prediction (ASP) on coreference resolution task. This approach allowed us to achieve the best results on RuCoCo private test with increase of F1-score by 1.8, Precision by 0.5 and Recall by 3.0 points compared to the second-best leaderboard score. Our results demonstrate the potential of the ASP model and the importance of utilizing diverse training data for coreference resolution. ...